On this page you will find contact information and links to useful sites. The best way to contact my is through me e-mail:


But if you prefer snail mail:

Rand Higbee
PO Box 259
Red Wing, MN  55066

Now a few wonderful links. Eldridge Publishing has several of my plays:

The Head That Wouldn't Die  (My most popular full length play.)

It's Alive: The Head That Wouldn't Die  (High school version of "The Head That Wouldn't Die")

Next! (My most popular high school one act.)

To Absent Friends (High school one act.)

Crush! (High school one act.)

Jocelyn's World (Sci-fi one act, high school and beyond.)

The good folks Next Stage Press have published my popular super hero play "The Lightning Bug."

This is Next Stage Press' website 

And this is a direct link to ordering "The Lightning Bug" on Amazon. 

And here's my personal playwriting page on Facebook. Join!


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